The Dunedin Abrahamic Interfaith group extends warm Christmas/Hanukkah best wishes to all visitors to this site. May we continue to work together for peace throughout 2007 and on into the future.
Shalom. Salaam. Peace be with you.
On 31 December this year, the DCC is organising a special new year's eve carnival, with a concert.
The concert is aimed at families and will be held from 11.30 am to 1pm during the day at the Octagon. The aim of the concert is to appreciate all that we have in Dunedin and to think in terms of the environment, peace and positive achievements as we look ahead to the new year. A number of different religious and community groups will be contributing, including the Dunedin Abrahamic Inter-faith group, some local churches and the Dhargyey Buddhist Centre.
The Dunedin Multi-Ethnic Council and friends will be performing a special dance that celebrates diversity - featured will be dance-styles from India, Kiribas, Middle-eastern tribal, Salsa, Phillipines and west- African.
If you will be in Dunedin, please do come and enjoy the day and bring family and friends along, and spread the news!
New Year's Eve Carnival concert
Sunday 31 December
the Octagon
11.30 am to 1 pm
Very warm greetings for the season to you and your families.