Otago Tertiary Chaplaincy Website
This site provides information about and contacts for the tertiary chaplaincy services
offered at Otago University, the Dunedin College of Education and the Otago Polytechnic.
The Chaplains are available to support all students and staff. They are willing and available
to spend time with individuals and with groups. The Chaplains are committed to peace and
justice, and to building respectful interfaith relationships. This website provides
information about local worship centres and many interesting articles and resources.
Interfaith New Zealand
This website provides up to date information on the state of interfaith activities in New
Zealand. Many educational resources are available via this site including reports on the
2006 National Conference held at Parliament earlier this year.
Interfaith relations : Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa-NZ
Guidelines and resources for Christians as they engage with people of other faiths, with
special reference to Muslim-Christian Relations
Written by the Interfaith delegates of 49 countries on July 2006.
The Jewish, Christian, Muslim Association of