

Unity in Diversity

2014 National Interfaith Forum, Dunedin

2pm Friday 27th June - 12 noon Sunday 29th June

The Dunedin Interfaith Council is delighted to be hosting the 2014 National Interfaith Forum and is pleased to announce some preliminary details.

The venue for the Forum is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Fenton Crescent, St Clair, Dunedin. The Forum theme is "Unity in Diversity" and the programme aims to:

Provide time for engaging in personal encounters and networking with members of other faiths, inspire and empower those present to promote interfaith activities to enhance knowledge of the religious diversity in New Zealand, provide a comfortable environment to explore other faiths, and focus on the positive issues that bring us together and be an enjoyable occasion for all participants.

Please click here for a copy of the Registration booklet and here for a Registration form.

In the Registration booklet you will find :

  • Information about a special overseas guest speaker attending the 2014 Forum
  • Full registration costs and details (e.g. Early Bird Registration before the end of April only $50 including meals)
  • An outline of the inspirational 2014 Forum programme
  • A list of accommodation options for your visit to Dunedin
  • An invitation to submit presentations for a variety of workshop themes.

Start planning now to come to the 2014 National Interfaith Forum

With warmest good wishes from

The Dunedin Interfaith Council


You are warmly invited to attend the Otago Tertiary Chaplaincy and Dunedin Abrahamic Interfaith Group Annual Peace Lecture

"Believers of the world - unite"

Rev Dr Lord Leslie Griffiths
Burns 1 Lecture theatre, University of Otago
Monday 7th July 2014 5.30-7pm followed by supper

Rev Dr Leslie Griffiths, the Lord Griffiths of Burry Port, is a Methodist Minister and Superintendent of Wesley's Chapel, London. Leslie Griffiths' story begins in real poverty in South Wales. Thanks to his outstanding intellect and a grammar school education, he became the youngest ever staff member at the University of Wales, before the call to ordained ministry led him, via Cambridge, to Haiti to work with some of the poorest people on earth. He has been a member of the British House of Lords since 2004. As a regular columnist and BBC broadcaster Dr Griffiths has spoken extensively on interfaith relationships, euthanasia, the Church and civic society, and international affairs. He sits on the Labour benches and speaks on education, international affairs and a range of social and ethical issues. He was the President of the British Methodist Conference in 1994-5 and an influential church leader in the two decades since. He helped to get the Christian Socialist Movement affiliated to the Labour Party and has twice given the prestigious Tawney lecture in 1995 on 'The Survival of Hope' and in 2002 on 'Multiculturalism'. A prolific author, popular speaker and respected broadcaster, he has been senior minister of Wesley's Chapel in the heart of London since 1996. He is President of the Boy's Brigade and a Canon of St Paul's Cathedral in London.

Dr Griffiths will also present a seminar in the Department of Theology and Religion Monday 7th July 2pm-3.15pm Burns Building Room 4c.11 Title : "How to communicate meaningfully with ordinary people - the challenge to Theology". He will also preach at Knox Presbyterian Church, George St Dunedin at a Methodist District and Ecumenical service at 10am Sunday 6th July. All welcome.

Further information : Greg Hughson

Phone 479 8497